Did you know that William Henry Fox Talbot, who is credited as the British inventor of photography, studied at Harrow School? In 1834 he discovered how to make and fix images through the action of light and chemistry on paper. These 'negatives' could be used to make...

Students that select tennis as their Plus option are able to use Harrow School’s state-of-the-art tennis facilities where the first ever Wimbledon champion was produced. 15 hours of tennis will be led in English by qualified and experienced Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) coaches at a ratio...

Harrow School was founded in 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I. The School is located in a leafy 300-acre estate, encompassing much of Harrow on the Hill in north-west London. Harrow’s extensive site comprises of six conservation areas. A registered park, a...